Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Showers Bring??

Contribution from my children:

April Showers bring May flowers. And what do Mayflowers bring?

Pilgrims, of course.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Awana Awards

Last night was our last night of Awana for the year. We had a great year in Awana. Thomas earned his Timothy Award, completing all 4 books in the T & T Club. Pocahontas earned her Excellence Award, finishing the first 2 T & T books. Davy earned his 2nd Book award and Leif, his 1st Book award in Sparks. I am proud of their hard work, and even more, I am grateful... for the amount of Scripture that they have hidden in their hearts.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

. . . ours will grow in raised beds.

I am so looking forward to having a garden again. DH, with the children helping, built a beautiful garden bed frame today and will build more later this week.
The kids each have their garden all planned out. They are more excited than I am!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Sunday and First Tooth Lost

We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday.

First, we went to church at our old church which we attended for 7 years before we started moving northward. Then we had a delicious abundance of food at hubby's aunt's house.

Leif Erickson lost his first tooth today. He had been wiggling it for weeks, and it finally gave way.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Last Day of our "Birthday Season"

Birthday "season" in our house is over for the year. Davy turned 8 yesterday. Davy is my sweet, very intense child. He is also the one most likely to take the flavor no one else wants or to give the last cookie to someone else. He has a creative mind and Lego is his favorite thing to do right now. I am so blessed to have 4 wonderful children.

A new bike from Grandma and Grandpa